Friday, December 26, 2008

The far :)

December 22:
My tita's wedding in Lipa where Julia and Mia were flower girls for the first time.
The two girls looked really cute together :)
Cousins and buddies! :)

kiss! :)

family picture :)

December 23
Girls' Xmas Dinner at Balducci, Serendra/ After dinner at Piedra, Fort Strip

my highschool barkada :)

December 24 and 25: Merry Christmas!

This is the best we can do for a family Christmas portrait. Notice drago's weird smile. It's because he had his wisdom teeth extracted and his cheeks are still swelling. Nice timing! With all the parties and get togethers and all the FOOD he's not allowed to eat :)

opening presents!

We spend Christmas evening in Bf where we had turkey and baked potatoes for dinner :) Tita Tess (Drago's tita from bacolod) and family spent Christmas with us :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

new slide

We bought this slide for Julia at a surplus store across the bakery in BF for only P600! :) Julia looooves slides so we didn't even think twice when we saw it. It was a good buy :)

It's a really small/short slide. Just the same height as her. After a few tries, she can already climb up and slide down all by herself :) But then again, it's a really small slide :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

18 months!

One month since my last post... Haha! :) I didn't even notice!

Here are some recent pictures of Julia :) She's 1 year and 6 months today :) She still has more of Drago in her than me. She's sweet, smart, goofy and such a hyperbunny. Well, the sweet part she probably got from me (hehe!). She's learning so much, so fast! She can name different objects and animals and say people's names. She just recently learned how to count from 1-10 and identify all the basic shapes. Thank God for flashcards, picture books and her Dora dvd! :)

more pictures to follow :)

Monday, November 17, 2008


The weather's been really nice lately so were always out by the pond (in front of the house) enjoying the sun and the fresh air with Julia :) First time I was able to use the picnic mat i got from SM :) Ang saya saya! One time we just hosed her down to give her a bath in her tiny inflatable pool :)

Morning sun! Still in her pajamas :)


with Papa

with Mama


I love this outfit! Hand-me-down from Maddie :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just a few pictures...

I forgot i had a blog to update :) Aside from Julia's first trick or treat experience last halloween, nothing exciting is happening lately. But here are a few recent pictures of the little big girl...

ya like my boots? :)

french fries ("papays") addict

on her new safari table set :)

I'm a sucker for wooden stuff for kids (I got her all sorts of stuff--wooden toy chest, blocks, puzzles and other toys, even baby hangers! all of 'em made of wood and hand painted with really cute prints :)

Do not disturb (watching her Dora dvd)

Big girl in pajamas

Monday, October 20, 2008


I've been trying to upload Julia's new studio pics but i'm having problems with blogger cookies. She has one really cute pic on a wooden horse wearing a cowboy hat :) I framed the 2 8x10 pics and asked drago to hang them in the other room to add more life to it. It's such a dull room. I'm trying to convert it into a playroom/ julia's day room/ guest room all in one. I plan to buy collage picture frames and make a project out of my nieces and nephews' pictures.

Oh well, as usual i've been too lazy to do anything. After today's semi-sad news, i realized i have get back to work. Gym (i already wasted one month of my membership), job-hunting and a whole lot of cleaning up and organizing. My mom is arriving tomorrow so God knows this household will never be the same again =p My only consolation... ate's pasalubongs! Can't wait to rip open that luggage :) My sister sends the cutest baby stuff-- clothes, shoes, toys, books etc. as well clothes, shoes and goodies for my brothers and me.

Yey! :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Since i found out i was pregnant (again) and all of a sudden started feeling all these symptoms, i just didn't feel like doing anything. I'm always too sleepy or too nauseous to function. I am now a pregnant bum. But the past week or so hasn't been a total waste.

Last Tuesday: Julia's First Playdate
5 kids who were just about Julia's age came to join. It was really fun! Thanks Mira for hosting the playdate :) We should definitely do this again!

Last Thursday: Went home to Tanauan
We came to see Bam's new baby, Brandon :) Ang cute!! I just can't see yet who he looks like. Then we had a hefty lunch at Lola Cely's house. Great food as usual! Julia and Mia had their own little playdate as well. You should see the two of them together. Cute nila! (Ate, do you recognize the dresses? hehe...)

Baby Brandon
Pogi diba? :)

Cousins, Julia and Mia

And yesterday, Friday: Another photoshoot at Picture Company

Char just called and asked if i wanted to let Julia join Mick and Maddie at their scheduled photo session. I'm not a member so i just went to let Julia join in so she could have a picture with Mick and Maddie. We plan to give it Mama and Tatay as a Christmas present. All three of them wore white and khaki. So classy! :) Luckily for me, the photographer took solo shots of Julia as well! We weren't supposed to have solo shots since i'm not a member but she took some anyways :) I haven't seen the uploaded pics since we were in a rush so i'll probably go later or tomorrow to choose prints. Okay, maybe just one print :) And the one with all 3 kids that i'll split with Char. Mick and Maddie have really nice shots! Goodluck choosing Char! =p

I will post the pics as soon as i get my prints and scan them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Finally, i got Julia's solo pic prints from picture company :) Thanks char for picking up the prints and scanning them!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Kids and Studio Pictures

Julia 1 and Maddie 3, Sabitsana cousins (Philippines!)

My sister's kids, Apa 9 and Gabby 1 year 9 months (New York)

My brother's daughter, Alex, 4 months old (Maryland)

These were all recently taken. It just shows that whatever age the kids are, studio pictures are simply adorable :) If only they're not as costly... :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Shape Sorter

This was a gift from drago's brothers for Julia's first birthday. It's one of her favorite toys :)

Baby Signs and Picture Books

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Toddler Discipline

After observing how Maddie is with Julia, i began to worry about the so-called terrible twos. They say all children go through that stage. Hitting, attention-seeking, tantrums and meltdowns etc. Hopefully I can learn how to manage this stage earlier before it even strikes. Here are some articles I found helpful :)


Hitting, scratching, and biting are common toddler behaviors, but that may not be much comfort when your toddler starts terrorizing his playmates — or you. A combination of still-emerging language skills, a fierce desire to become independent, and undeveloped impulse control is usually the cause of the trouble. As your toddler matures, he'll eventually learn to express his frustration with words.

Although many toddlers go through an aggressive phase, it's your job to teach your toddler that it's not okay to hurt other people, especially other kids. Keep a close eye on your toddler when he plays with other children. The minute he starts to hit, bite, or push, remove him from the situation and gently but firmly remind him that hitting is not okay. Expect to reinforce this message many times over before the behavior stops. Time out is also an effective way to get your point across. Just make sure to limit the time appropriate for your toddler’s age. The formula is usually this:
The age of the child (in years) = the number of minutes he can be kept on time out.
For example a 3 year old child should only be on time out for 3 minutes maximum.

You should never, under any circumstances, hit your child to teach him a lesson. Some parents do this to show the child "how it feels," thinking that if their child feels hurt, he'll be reluctant to hurt others. Unfortunately, the tactic usually has the opposite effect. If you hit your child (or let others hit your child), it sends the message that hitting is okay.



It's normal for children to need attention and approval. However, attention-seeking becomes a problem when it happens all the time. Even charming attention-seeking can become controlling. Many children make tragedies out of trivial concerns to get your sympathy. Excessive attention-seeking results in a situation where your child commands your life.

Many children misbehave to get attention. The most notorious reason for misbehavior in young children, this can be the seed for discipline problems in later childhood and adolescence.

Your goal is not to eliminate your child's need for attention and approval. When handled correctly, your child's need for attention can be a helpful tool for improving your child's behavior. Eliminate not the need for attention, but those attention- seeking behaviors that are excessive or unacceptable.

How Much Attention Is Too Much?
That depends on you. How much attention-seeking can you tolerate? The rule is that children will seek as much attention as you give them. You must strike a balance between how much your children want and how much you can give. Even normal attention-seeking can drive you crazy on some days.

Do not let your children's need for attention turn into demands for attention. When children do not get enough attention, they resort to outbursts, tantrums, nagging, teasing, and other annoying behaviors.



Your child is at a very precious age; your son or daughter is learning how to talk, telling you what they want for dinner—and hitting their younger, defenseless sibling on a pretty regular basis. How do you address this type of behavior, while still celebrating all the wonderful things come with being the proud parent of a toddler? How do you let your son or daughter know that you love him or her, but can’t always support their behavior?

Address the action, not the child.

When you’re disciplining your child, make sure your son or daughter knows that you’re trying to get them to discontinue negative behavior, and that you aren’t devaluing them. Even though toddlers are young, they are more in touch with their feelings than adults can tell. Just because your young son or daughter can’t articulate their feelings all that well yet, they do know when they feel attacked, and are likely to continue acting out if your approach is wrong.

For instance, when you see your toddler hitting other children or refusing to share, pull him or her to the side and explain that what they’re doing isn’t nice. This is different from saying “You’re being bad” or “You’re a mean boy/girl.” Instead, tell your toddler that it’s important to be nice to friends, and that sharing is the right thing to do. The toddler years are also a good time to introduce the Golden Rule. One of the best ways to teach your children a lesson on sharing or good social behavior is to convey that you shouldn’t do something to someone that you don’t want them to do to you.

Ask your children questions like “Don’t you like it when your friends share with you?” or “When your friends are nice to you and don’t hit you, doesn’t that make you feel good?” If your toddlers can tell in your tone that you are reprimanding their actions, but still love them, they are less likely to continue the negative behavior.

Aside from Maddie, my niece Mia who is just a few months older and our neighbor's daughter Hopey who is 2 years old are Julia's regular playmates and both girls are usually passive in play while Julia seems to be the more aggressive one. But nevertheless, she's a fun kid to be around :) If she ever does go through the terrible twos stage, i hope she won't be that terrible :) Medyo lang.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun Ranch again

Last Tuesday, we brought Julia to Fun Ranch. This is already her 3rd time, but she enjoyed it more than the last time because she's already walking :) Yabang na eh!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

More pictures

I recently updated our smugmug site with Julia's pictures. The gallery includes a couple of pictures with Maddie and our BF family :)

check it out! click here

The past few days...

Tatay's 60th Birthday

We just had a simple family dinner in Bf. The food though was not so simple :) We had lechon, crabs, chicken and more! Happy happy birthday to Joey's one and only favorite Tatay!

Typical night in BF with Maddie and Joey: The Diva and the Bugoy :)

Maddie gets really excited when we come to visit :) She still calls Joey "baby julia" (or sounds more like "babe juya"). And while Maddie is in the screaming and "everything mine" stage, Julia is more like don't-bother-me-or-i'll-hit-you. She keeps on hitting Maddie when she gets annoyed :( Good thing Maddie doesn't hit back.
The two girls are total opposites, but i'm sure they'll get along fine when they're older :)
Free photo session at Picture Company ATC

Thanks Ninang Krissy for arranging a free photo session for the kids! The pictures were really cute! But one 8x10 print costs 800 already. And that's just for one pose! I wish we could get even just the thumbnail soft copy. Kahit pang friendster lang! hehe. Anyway, at least we didn't have to pay for membership and photo session fees :) I will post pictures as soon as I get my prints.

These pictures were taken in the waiting area of the studio. I made Julia wear the apple print dress that my sister gave us. I love this dress! She wore this last Valentines Day and it still fits her! That's like 6 months ago!


Valentines Day (Feb 2008)

Monday, August 18, 2008

14 months

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Here's a scrap version of the previous post :)

p.s. thanks ate for Julia's cute new outfit! This is just one of the many clothes and stuff she sent us. Watch out for more pictures of Julia in a dress :) (that's rare! hehe) I went crazy with them!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Walking the dog

Julia's new hobby :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008


bakery manager/ all around guy, frustrated chef and singer, diligent student, closet nerd (know-it-all =p ), a very patient and dependable guy, wonderful dad and husband, Will Devaughn/ John Hall/ Redford White lookalike (hahaha!) and a spitting image of our daughter :)

He's all that and more :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAGO!!! We love you!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Julia started walking a bit late, but nonetheless, i think she's doing a pretty good job :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

baby's day out

We haven't been able to take Julia out lately because of the rain and because well, we've been busy :) One of our friends who's in the U.S. army came home to visit for a couple of weeks so we were always out. There were parties and get-togethers here and there. Now everything seems to be back to normal.

We had a chance to take Julia out to the mall today. 11am-2pm is usually the best time because it's not too crowded. So we walked around a bit, let her play in the kiddie area and ate at mcdo after. She was so hungry she practically inhaled her fries :)

window shopping lang

"no more"
go joey!


the lookalikes :)

Julia has just started walking on her own. I guess i should mark the date :)

Julia started walking (as in standing up by herself and walking) at 13 months and 3 weeks :)
